Chronic Pain and Illness

Are you constantly ‘faking’ feeling good or telling people you’re ‘fine’ when you really are hurting?

People with chronic illness and pain commonly feel:

  • Isolated from friends and family

  • Depressed and sad

  • Anxious and overwhelmed at times

  • Grief - loss of how things used to be

  • Frustrated with people not 'getting it' or understanding

  • Fearful about the future

  • Difficulty adjusting to the 'new normal

Chronic pain and illness can rob you of the life you used to have and the one you dreamt of having; instead you are left struggling through every day and sometimes hour-by-hour. But there is HOPE, and you CAN make incremental changes which will increase your quality of life. 

Each person has a unique life and set of circumstances, which deserves an integrative, personalized plan based on their own strengths. Life can be difficult and overwhelming but it’s possible to build resiliency and get the healing help you need.



Small group therapy is a proven way to help you make the adjustments necessary to improve your quality of life.  Just because you have chronic pain and illness does not mean that you have to suffer. I often call what I do "suffering management" because it's often the emotional and mental impact of the illness that is the most traumatizing and difficult part to manage. 

In small group, you come together on a weekly basis, with others who are facing similar challenges. Together, we work to address the issues, facilitate discussions and learn new coping skills. Powerful healing and strong community occur in these groups. 

Coping with Chronic Pain and Illness Group (click here for detailed information)


The way I run groups is by offering SMALL GROUPS ( no more than 8 people) and for one hour. This is not the typical big group of 20 plus people where people don't get to have their voice and concerns addressed.  The small group process ensures that each person gets individual attention, as well as the benefit of group therapy, and it is not an overwhelming process. I believe that bite size changes are the only way to make adjustments to our lives in a healthy and lasting way.

Small group allows you to connect with others who are facing similar struggles and help build a sense of community. I create a safe space for people to come together and be uniquely themselves. This process of connecting with others becomes a powerful catalyst and helps supercharge your healing process.

If you have been curious about therapy groups, or been in individual therapy, and not seeing the results you want to see, group is an excellent and proven solution.  


Often clients incorporate individual therapy with the small group therapy process. This combination often helps people see powerful healing change.  I suggest that you start with small group therapy and then, when and if you are ready for individual therapy, we set up a specific plan for your best healing experience. 


There's no doubt that chronic pain and illness greatly impacts relationships, usually in a very detrimental way. This does not have to be the case with you. You CAN have a healthy and loving, intimate relationship with your partner despite your health challenges. I work with both partners in order to achieve the best results.  It is also common for the partner who is suffering from pain and illness to be part of a small group. 


The most common issues for couples are communication problems and sex / intimacy issues. I specialize in helping couples overcome the serious challenges that come with chronic pain and illness.  I use evidence-based and proven strategies to help improve your relationship, as well as your intimacy. 

All services are offered online.

I would be honored to help you on your healing path.